Sunday, September 11, 2011


Our 10 yr old Irish Setter, Ryley has bone cancer, so he has been on Rimadyl and Tramadol for pain.  We put them in those 7 day AM/PM plastic pill containers.  MOST of our meds (dogs & people) are put away high in a cabinet. But since Ryley gets pills multiple times per day, we left his pills on my computer table.  Lyla for the most part is a well behaved dog. But she will lose self control after much contemplation and counter surf. In this case she table surfed. The cookie jar of treats are on the same table that the pain meds were on. 
We had left to return to our stick & brick house for a few hours to pack & clear out.  We left our doggies in the RV. When we got back, the pill container was on the floor with many chew marks. All compartments open and EMPTY!!! There were at least 6 days (AM & PM) worth of pain meds in there and now gone.  Before we panicked, we got on our hands & knees and checked all over the floor hoping we would find the pills loose. No luck. Lyla not only ate the chewable Rimadyl, but she also at the nasty tasting (from what I've been told) Tramadol also!
A call to Animal Poison Control at $65. and were told to induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide.  We did, but no vomiting. Waited 15 minutes as instructed and repeated. Still no vomiting. Poison control said to bring her to emergency vet.
Well, on to our home away from home, Garden State Veterinary Specialist Hospital in Tinton Falls, NJ 07753. They gave Lyla an injection that was to induce vomiting. Nope! Just some drooling & foaming. She was given fluids and kept over night for observation.
Even though she took at least 10x's the normal dose, it was just below what poison control felt would cause kidney and liver failure. They did say that Tramadol is an opiate, so she was probably feeling pretty "good" psychologically! She probably had quite the HIGH!

Lyla has to be on a bland diet and anti-acid and stomach coating meds for 5-10 days.  We'll follow up with a blood test in Oct. to make sure her organs are functioning properly. 
Through this whole ordeal, she never seemed to feel bad at all. Of course, Scott & I were a mess. This is the 1st time we've had a health issue with our dogs that was our stupid fault.
Cost: $65. - Poison control $895.00 - Garden St. Vet Spec. 

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Debbie, I LOVE your blog!

I live in Hamburg, NY near Buffalo. Shelley's Bed & Biscuit Dog Rescue. We rescue mostly Beagles.

RV'ing all over is my dream. No house and a couple of Beagles. Unfortunately, it is not my hubby's dream.

I had to comment on your post about Lyla getting the meds. I, too, had a similar situation several years ago. We had a resuced Beagle who had a seizure disorder (RIP Patty.) Patty & I had some connection that I could tell you what night she may have a seizure. So that night I loaded up her emergency kit with not only her usual but I added plain yogurt in a small container and her phenobarbitol and took it upstairs with us to bed. My hubby woke me at 2AM and said something was wrong with our rescued Otterhound who was sitting at the bedroom doorway and could not seem to move. Holy moly, we found the insulated "lunch box" chewed up with the yogurt and pills gone. Of course, it had to be a newly filled prescription! We picked up what pills we found to get an estimated count and rushed Otis to the ER. I was so guilt ridden. 3 days later he came home to us fine and dandy with a tremedous bill.

We always have numerous rescued dogs with us, some here for life (that sounds like a jail sentence, doesn't it?) Some here until a forever home is found. Always seems someone is on medication. So we have a huge bin on the counter that so far is "dog proof" and we keep the meds in there in a small container along with a pill cutter.

Life is so wonderful with dogs! Rescue is my passion but I am getting older and tired so we are trying to slow it down. Nice try. Very difficult to set in motion.

I love to read and travel so I will be following your adventures! Waiting for enough money for a Kindle so I don't have to worry about a library book being chewed up! We run out of "safe" places in our house and the last library book cost me $30+ to replace. I get many books from thrift stores so I don't have to worry about them.

Happy travels!

Cathy Shelley and the Pack